A Christmas Story about Simon the squirrel • Art de Vivre

A Christmas Story about Simon the squirrel

Dec 01, 2022

We were once strolling around London on Christmas eve, the deserted streets lit up by thousands of magical twinkling lights.As we walked past St Paul's Cathedral, we noticed several squirrels scurrying along, one by one, towards the brightly lit Christmas tree in the square, right in front of the cathedral. Then they made their way under the fence and suddenly disappeared amid the branches.

Our imaginations started to run wild, and we wondered what they were up to. Why would squirrels suddenly want to climb up this particular tree in the middle of the City of London, so far from the city's parks?Finally, after giving it some thought, we realised that the squirrels were probably also rushing off to celebrate Christmas and that London's animals must have their own Christmas traditions too.


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