Camden Jazz Café: Discover 6 fast-rising artists
If you’re a fan of soul and R&B music, you won’t want to miss the next Global Soul showcase at Camden Jazz Café in London, on September 18, featuring British soul champion Etta Bond.
A great opportunity to discover upcoming local artists, the recent Global Soul Showcase at the Camden Jazz Café in London recently saw six fast-rising artists perform, hosted by fellow singer and songwriter Victoria Jane.
1. Piper Grace
First up was Southwest England’s Piper Grace. She has only released three singles so far, including her recent ‘My Head.’ Piper Grace has the vocal chops along with some excellent song writing that give her a good edge. Keep an ear out for her upcoming single ‘Destruction’, which was the highlight of her set.
2. Morgan Munroe

Morgan Munroe was up next. The Leicester star has been a rising talent within the underground music community in England. She graced fans with her EP Elvira, and from the moment she strolled on stage her vocal range almost reached a Mariah Carey level, especially when she sang ‘Take me Home.’ Her performance on the stage was full of so much energy and feel-good vibes. The highlight of her set, though, was ‘Look What You Done’, with her cheeky opening line and smooth delivery.
3. Mychelle

Mychelle’s incredible 2021 EP ‘Someone Who Knows’ and her outstanding new single ‘Forbidden Fruit’ didn’t disappoint. While lacking the high energy of the previous performance, that wasn’t an issue: Mychelle is a songwriter first, and her songs are vulnerable and honest. You feel that through every word she sings. Her voice carries such a magnetic weight and the live backing band really brings so much flavour, with groovy keyboards and guitar work. The highlight was definitely ‘Forbidden Fruit’, with the amazing guitar solo and instrumentation really going along perfectly with Mychelle’s outstanding voice.
4. Sipprell

Multi-instrumentalist Sipprell, whose previous work includes her 2020 EP ‘Bad History’, is best known for her recent single ‘Stay Out of It’, with its cool, almost chill wave instrumentals and her Amy Winehouse-like vocal talents. The songs musically translated very well to a live band, with each musician adding new layers to her songs which made it feel even more magical. The highlight of her performance was perhaps ‘Bad History’, thanks to her beautiful smooth vocals and a terrific live band.
5. Cherise

Cherise’s 2021 EP Remedy, with songs like ‘Water’, gripped the audience with her voice and animate instrumentation. Exceeding expectations from the moment she stepped on stage, she danced and whistled her way through her five-song set with such passion and charisma that she completely stole the show. The highlight was her live rendition of ‘Remedy’ which she absolutely killed vocally and delivered with style and grace.
6. Sophie Faith

From releasing her first single, ‘Say So’, in 2017, Sophie Faith has been releasing song after song, with her latest single ‘Something I Said’ released this year being the highlight of her performance. She entered the stage accompanied by her two backing vocalists and throughout her set, the harmonies were stunning. Faith’s performance made for a joyful end to the evening, despite the bar having been raised so high by Cherise.
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Credits for the Main photo:© Dolo Iglesias (@dolodol) on Unsplash