Review of The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar - A Timeless Fairy Tale about Being a Human
In 2021, Netflix acquired the Roald Dahl Story Company, and in collaboration with Wes Anderson created a series of adaptations of four stories by the author. 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ is the first in the anthology of short films by Anderson. This 39-minute short film premiered at the 80th Venice Film Festival and was released on Netflix on September 27. 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar' is the longest in the collection, showcasing Anderson's signature style and a star-studded cast.
The magical fairy-tale of Henry Sugar
Adapting fairy tales can be particularly challenging when it comes to preserving the mystical essence that underpins these narratives. However, for Wes Anderson, this was hardly a challenge. He created a stunning visual representation of Dahl's work while staying true to his distinctive style. Following the premiere of 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' in 2009, this is Anderon’s second time adapting another of Roald Dahl's pieces.
'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar' is a fairy tale that delves into the essence of who we are and the potential we hold within ourselves. The film follows the story of Henry Sugar, portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch, who despite owning hereditary wealth, keeps his mind on one job only: to get even richer. While spending a lonely, and boring, rainy day at the friend’s estate, he discovers a book, that resembles more like a memoir of a young doctor (Dev Patel).
The memoir tells the story of Imdad Khan played by Ben Kingsley, a man with an extraordinary talent - to see without his eyes. After the doctor attends the circus show and witnesses what he thinks to be a miracle, he interviews Imdad Khan and keeps the record of his story in the book, found by Henry Sugar. When reading the story, Henry Sugar discovers that the ability to see without eyes is not a talent, nor a miracle, but a skill that requires years of dedication, and practice for it to be mastered. After reading the story of Imdad Khan, Henry Sugar makes it his goal to work on himself, develop the skill of seeing without the eyes, and use it to cheat at gambling.

Does he succeed?
What is he going to do with the money, if he wins? Does the story of Imdad Khan continue after the meeting with a doctor? The film, developing in the deconstructive, theatrical space gradually answers all these questions. At its core, even though the adaptation of ‘The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ has maintained the essence of Dahl’s work, it is still a profoundly “Andersonian” film.
In the 39 minutes, we see the story of many characters, including Imdad Khan, the doctor, and most importantly Henry Suar, all narrated by the author himself portrayed by Ralph Fiennes. In that brief span of time, the film beautifully illustrates the remarkable capacity of humans to undergo profound transformation. It underscores how acquiring an intangible skill can fundamentally alter an individual and how disciplined effort can reshape one's outlook on life. The narrative achieves all of this with a genuinely optimistic and fairy-tale-like approach. It truly is a magical story that explores the hidden depths of human abilities, which have the power to profoundly change us, often in ways beyond our immediate understanding.
In this regard, 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar' emerges as a flawless fairy tale, captivating both on paper and on screen.
While the film sets itself apart from the other three shorts, together, they provide a range of perspectives on the human experience.

The critical acclaim
In recent years, a persistent debate has arisen concerning Roald Dahl and his controversial views, which included anti-Semitic and racist elements. This has led to some of his renowned works, like 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and 'Matilda,' undergoing editing to remove offensive language. Wes Anderson, on the other hand, has expressed his belief in preserving the original texts, even as he acknowledges the reasons behind such editing efforts. Additionally, as he stated,
Certainly, no one besides the author should be modifying the work — he's dead.
Yet, when it comes to adapting his stories, the film has gained positive feedback from both audiences and critics alike.
You can stream 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar' on Netflix, as well as other adaptations of Dahl’s stories,'The Swan,' 'The Ratcatcher,' and 'Poison.' Since the debut of 'Asteroid City' in 2023, it's truly exciting to see more of Wes Anderson's films this year. He's a filmmaker who truly possesses a unique ability to capture the enchanting absurdity of life and convey it through his films. 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar,' much like many of Anderson's works, maintains a faith belief in humanity, highlighting our capacity for love, transformation, and transcending limitations.
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